Friday, June 11, 2010

Reunion Part 2

Memorial Day weekend brought the college crew together once again, this time for Ian's wedding. Ian got married to Annie Anderson on Saturday May 29. It was a beautiful wedding in Salt Lake City. The day was packed with activities: breakfast, wedding, pictures, luncheon, reception. I love weddings and that it brings friends together. I really enjoyed spending the day with the whole crew and it's fun to see the group expand. I'm not sure when the crew will get together again (no weddings planned for now), but 4/5 of the group is on the east coast now, so maybe we can get together without a wedding.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! It's so fun to see the whole group together. Congrats, Ian!

    Also, only slightly less important, I LOVE that skirt, Brea. It makes you look even tinier than you are. Well done.
